The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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19 AGAWAM NEWS TO RUN AGAIN DEADLINE OR HIGHER SCHOOL ASKS REELECTION Met ids St TOWN MEETING BUDGET HEARD ARTICLES RIDAY LUDLOW WINNER OICIALS ASK 11 OVER DEARDON spending the season al OR $705318 ('rilisitu WEST SPRINGIELD DA VID pin Cribbage Tourney Will Open Tonight i ha Hills a major part ofj Richai different uel tion nd i1 i he 1 REAL ESTATE TRANSERS The follmvjn hw a been re town official and reelect Mr Raison Mia i Mei 'd 0 Knd mi I'd Ki Wk ct htv bK VO 2 I hr ite ii rno! EAST SPRINGIELD 'eiiiv al best suit the 'A IikId I MH nifin niM Ut cier a 0 ar 11 typo of oil is nn had At i ho clnr of the martin fuel bits and a daughter LONGMEADOW William PLANS COMPLETE OR CUB SCOUT PACK 45 8:30 GIVEN AWARD BADGES Togion st Springfield Ian 2 Cub mlllliIV propel ty to 1 5 III IN II I I 111(11 I Club: halls and a beauty parlor11 I home on he who a Th nice at the home of mond the lists at Inst meeting i Prel I witz Internal Revenue and now after a Aidan's Cecily the va and that will Mrs meet Poth wa a inside jnd Hills un til chance to town elec clerk's Of hav This nine able 00 sheet light bu stlp be a lerges! Heit left InjUfufles i 'hut ch food sa the annual inin Michael's parish and Miss Julia Shkotir ill preside Ma kal to Holy and John Kapecki well athlete was appointed from a wherer Mrs applications may be filed through of the J'nited offices I hat ills mil vv ill meet in the tow 8 areas on the south side of the green lor a war memorial Charles lora Cynthia Jan 2 sell ools Croteau was well to be a success Pa rlcv at 1 15 score prizes will be Azawatn Jan The Hoard As sessors and the School part meat presented proposed budgets to the i nance Hoard at a bearing last night at rhe Town Administration Ruilding Roth showed increased The requested budget for the assessors totaled $59 13 compared with $51XS in 1947 and in Elizabeth Jerome 1 uke eonfiscited by Ins mother's i is found Hut Sharpies Joan I the there ry The committee is ituation carefully ami riety show which is being given In the Men's Club and Guild of Union Church on eb 6 and 7 consists of 12 acts and 32 participants and is progressing along very well It will le held in the gym of I he church a nd an! c'atrol Wh eler Refreshments will "The Homemaking Co will be the speaker at Club meeting tomorrow "ederal David Miller for many years will again in the annual in March and thus of Roy eedins has lire past 11 leet rtc has one the Republican town that his background value in the growing assessing boards of INDIAN ORCHARD KOSCIUSZKO SOCIETY ELECTS NEW OICERS Bushey Bushey an The school a community in is equipped with dormitories rooms classrooms recreation i ond Nancy Richardson and Marilyn i Wilson 1 The following pupils were listed on School mittee has sent out mote than 200 cards to nun voters urging them to ruled that Supt of in of tn Miss the Lawrence and i in Utah and in coming het wife two sons He pointed ganizaflons vations may be made until tonight with John Campbell Despite the inclement weather last week strol snow of St given in Pleasant the direction of Leo attended and said both financially and socially Mrs Jane Christianson is chairman nt the dessert bridge to be sponsored by the Past President's Parley in the Legion rooms Thursday Many door and given Ells assist School will he ait I i to him night of the strick Grade Moretti Behrens Itohttle Stanley Lipski Daisy Sharpies Gra de Danforth time Lib will Mrs Van CAR TIPS OVER Costly car damage but no personal Injuries w'ere reported by John Twonmy of Old Springfield ltd Som ers Conn when his automobile struck a snow bank and tipped over about 11 last night on Allyn St near Parker John Lucey eight of 44 7 Hanco*ck St suffered minor injuries to his rizht arm afternoon when he was struck by a car near his home WHOLESALE PRODUCE MARKET REPORT 'Making Ids escape from the Vet erans Hospital in Leeds in a car stolen from a hospital attendant the veteran roamed this city for several hours last night object of an inten sive police hunt before he was cap office tonight at The building committee of the Con gregational Church will meet in tne Sellew room tonight al 8 The Elnisorosis Club ill tie enter tained tomorrow evening at the home of Mrs rancis Hayden of Ivankin 2 O' IV3 75 Total Is $257450 or About 11 Per Cent Over 1947 Dealers Make Deliveries in Small Quantities Civic Buildings Com Will Ask Bond Issue of $1500000 or High School i committee i will be of problem meeting the rising appropriations with' a fair and equitable assessment of I i properties in the town or this reason the committee ur ges Agawam voters to take advant 1 Big Entry List for 3 Day Play at Legion Home One Woman Player the pack and they are in charge Mrs Eugene Scott of Wiipleim and Mrs Herman Seiffert of St Jan Blvd I en Hinny Den 3 erry all Ludlow 192 now section "no building for use shall be erected upon any lot residential street whose exterior or roofing are constructed of metal corrigaied iron or any metal" ami Sofia and Betty A Hillcroft tf aei Heck to Jaims Me Town Budget Estimates Reach All Time High itics planned by the club ull imni bership is open to nil grnduaies of thci I At VV I A A i 1 1 i i4 V1 i i it tt i ji) puiHlC sj (lumiini iirhanv ntn ry prnrndtn cs and effective speech Detailed informa tion regarding club activities qiny bo obtained upon application to tv Breux inogr'im director of the YMCA The meeting will be oen to the public There willbe no admission charge tilamano: Boar Gold Arrows to Rich nd Wdsh Arthur Caron William iitnik Linn badge io Richard Reicn EAST LONGMEADOW East Longmeadow Jan 27 Armand LeDoux former agent of the Bureau of hederal of the tax department of the Seovcll Vv cllington Lions evening on Supper will be seived at 630 by Mary group of the Ladies' Guild of the Congregational Church Reser William McCann the City Infirmary acted topoly requiring Charles Dearden head the limning plant nt the infirmary do I he work of a third lass engi neer uuing an such action did motion Supt McCann Daly in Daniel and rue property on Main St Civil Service Rejects Appeal En tered by Engineer fflC Il ls a Hospital where he Without A Rev Donald A Simpson will 1 oadthe devotions and hostess nursery by the addition of a which will say in part as a dwelling on a Katherine i ug i Thoi ndiko Stinoni A William Nl Aza a elementary honor rolls for recent marking period orty pupils al rh School attained necessary high rat ings and a total of 19 at: the Kather ine Dinahy School it North Agawam Honors 5 Donald Hastings Cynthia Allen i Rrichard DiLnllo Arlene Egbert Goorce I Harold teniiel in Rm oSrwiv and Ella ivoie property on But ler St I Donald 1 1 to Raymond property on Orchard Eunici had purchased Numerous pairs within building ma 11 OWl) 1UUH i maim ser 'air valua So far I he Community YMCA is only building which has reduced its oil ration Secretary Alfred Lan lies announced last week that a ea boil er would be used This would saw more than JuOO gallons of oil eterv week Grade 3 Harold Allen Pau' Joan Binnenka le William Dorothy Girotti Gail Hassom Marcoux Rosemary Massa Otto Virginia S't Jacques Tricinella Grade 4 Jean earn Richard Ce brelli Grade 5 Elizabeth Guidi: Grade 6 Donald Avery Ralph DAm ato Julie Mercier Pau! Montagna Shirley Muttl and Judith Slate Tip company intends to retain liiu ore stewardesses during the year and any by the committee and a considei revision in its original plans THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASSTUESDAY JANUARY 27 194S Holyoke eight parcels in Springfield one pared in Vet Spring field and one pared in Westfield Charles Collins to Edwin and Marguerite Thomson property on East St Jane Bradley to James and laiis Murphy property on Casino muniiy regula r'erved Legionnaires from state county and post organizations will bo present Matthew will conduct a ing at monial in the Ludlow Jan town clerk here enter the race town elections far no candidate has appeared on the scene to oppose him Mr Miller who lives on Howard St is now serving his 2uth year as town clerk This of fice is open every throe years Mr Miller also serves as town accountant this position being under civil serv I Gertrude Richmond to Milton Jr and Patricia Reach Joring Westfield Longmeadow Jan 27 Miss Mary Varley teacher in the Springfield schools who was an exchange teacher in England spoke this afternoon at Hie Group 6 meeting of Longmeadow Church Women Mrs Louis Hath away of 67 Dover Rd was hostess before the town elec tion which will I held eb 16 this year Chairman Guy Moran of tlio Civic Buildings Committee predicted that his committee would submit an article to build the high school which would call for bond issue' of 1 'OOnuu This issue would take care of all expenses including the purchase of property nnl equipment Mr Moran said Questioned as to any other expenses which the committee would ask be said that the committee had no othir plans for this year The committee has met vviih a committee of veterans in regard to the war memorial and has learned that the veterans wish a separate me inot ial unattached to any other building In view of this the Civic Buildings Committee will recom mend that when the present high school becomes available that it be made over into a town hall This will leave th'1 present site of the town hall available for a war memorial whic could be a community center It would be especially use ful to the Merrick and Memorial Ave ns of town which at present no accomodations for gatherings that there were 117 new voters added in as against 133 at last presidential primary If ibis record is maintained tonight should added dential added of done in the night sessions Tonight will be the last register for voting in the tion eb 16 and town ficewill he kept open until 10 to ac commodate the late comers Both town committees have been urging to privilege nf voting and have many persona! calls The Republican Town Com Deardon to the mission mg in heard the in favor Henry ant city don and rose tiled cent and Clara I MacPhail and Gladys I Nolan Hampshire St Indian meeting must lie received not night war and has secured College students io from foreign cmin West Springfield Jan 27 The selectmen's office issued warning to day that all articles fur the annual tow later than The Methodist Church Men's will have is annual ladies' night per at the at 639 There will musical entertainment by George and Muriel Harris who have proven popu lar nt previous West Side entertain ments At the Congregational Church the Men's Club will meet in the vestry at Hsu Dr John Steele is in charge of the program three Springfield speak They are tries and will tell of conditions In their native lands Thomas Peter A property Springfield Origene ami Simone Hebert to Jean I and Laura Marchand property awarded as follows Grade 3 Andrew Hallock Judith llirrisun Christopher Ho ige Gretchen Richa rd ichael Gloria Delava Ham Loomis (Irade Leon Hebert Joan O'Con nor Josephine Alfano James Hauser James Oeky: Charles Tate Joan itz gerald Myrna Hyland Carol Kos 1 Theodoie and Giatia Tetreault Ito I'eai be and Earma Clemons I propcity on Lebanon St Thomas It Albano to A Arthur and I May Rose Ardito an undivided one in the' Weste rn Massachusetts Crib bage tournament whic will start to Icight in the Legion Home will cen ter on the efforts of the self styled champion of Boston to stay in the race against the ream of this part of the state Edward A Hebert chair man of the tourney said today that every tab! eton'ght would be full and that there were only five vacancies for tomorrow night's play Thursday there will be several more vacancies to lie filled Inn he said that he confident that all seats would be en when play was called The lone woman contestant i touramet comes highly touted skillful player She is axions to pit her skill against any other woman player of this aiea Mr Hebert said They will be paired off in the play Thursday night Entries may be 'ey calling Mr Hebert at his home 9 Church St yVest Springfield or by calling the Legion Home on Park St jezi 4 '4 i lexat Preferred MORTGAGE LOANS To BUILD REINANCE low cost long term flexible All types including Gl end HA WORCESTER EDERAL SAVniGfr AND LOAN ASSOCIATION SPRINGIELD OICE 1387 MAIN ST TEL 4 426T NATIONAL BANK BUILDING PINE POINT IM 1'0 1 I BRIES iitii'i Group of tin Union Womens Guild will have a turned to her holm in Berkshire from Hospital Lawronce Bencle is Hampshire eti rsbitrg In view of the many changes in values and rapid increase in tax rK vni bU ti'll Tf GD new i tt Rroucoh Texa 41 1 William Murphy to James Murphy property on Casino Ave Chi John She' han Louis den chiefs who art D' lt 2 IJobtrr Damon Dimon of Den 1 Carl I end Elwyn Warner Wolf badges were awarded to John Murphy and Thomas Grace Beat Thru in play eout' space that could he nomo range ods and home is more important he said to keep homes warm where there are little children than to heat public buildings chairman and to per cent in fer the two clerks School Department budget $257450 an approximate It WED NITE STATION WSPR BETTER TRAILER SALES and SERVICE 125 BOSTON ROAD SPRINGIELD MASS Gawp a nd Vinnt Xowakuw ski T1iy hous nminiltep includes Polau Midura Rudolph Adamczyk and John Lain and the inventory coni will be comprised 'f Walter i Nowak John Dynion and Walter Ty burski The uifon rcpnrid successfulptr due in ihe fac that addilinn il don St Miss Margaret Parsons home demonstrator ill talk mi Tips Buying Home The public is invited rs James Benjamin chairmen of ia voinmil tcu 'The Club Union Churvh id Boy Suout 4 1 collected a paper Saiurday 'The Hampden County 1 provement ngu will meet on b'eh 6 at the see nearly 200 more voters At the time of prosi primary 250 n'imes were tjie records show Nearly all work of registering is being Heart Attack Victim Tolbnd Cnnn Jan 27 As 1 for hi car to bo brought from a Rockville garage last Rev Philip King 66 pastor Tolland ederated Church was fit with a heart attack and died short ly after admittance tu the Rockville Hospital By Holding on to the WRONG STOCKS sit it niv be costly! Right no check with Babson'S' Simply attach list of 7 of your securities to this ad and mail to us tell you if clients have been advised to Hold or Switch them No cost or obligation Writ ll BABSON'S REPORTS Wellesley Hills 82 Mess dolph Viamczyk John Lata John Kapecki Vincent Nowakowski and John Jtymon LISTEN TO A Sensational Broadcast one of Xmorica Ltrresi tiailercoacli parks in Stars of the ill bo trailer ists who jive tn the Republican Candida to for reelc tion to a three year term at the a nual town balloting eb 2 Mr Rj son has been a rest lent of eedii from Hospital Who threatened tn kill family of Hire hen last night some fancied wrong was ceplitred polici io sv as arie lo rarrv nut 1 plii'ns a ba Mrs Alma Mendon will bo the Anyone having gifts for lhe may bring them at this time Raymond Barton of I'arew patient at Merev confined with a broken leg Mrs Stanley Nye of St lames Blvd and Mrs Edward Trattsehko Thornton St have been called to Law rence by the death of their uncle Wil liam Trauschke a native of Andover The next regular meeting of the American Legion Post 120 will bo held Thursday night at 8 in Central Hall Janies Games newly installed post comma nder will preside A financial report will be given and plans made for a public Valentine card party to be held on eb 10 Steve Work will be general chairman A Women's Auxiliary has been con sidered and will be the main topic of discussion Movies will be shown On riday there will be a father and son banquet held at St Luke's Church in the parish hall at 630 A surprise' entertainment has been planned ami members l(f the Women's Auxiliary will serve refreshments ourteen members of the Van Ssic Jenkins' 1 kle UTA executive board enjoyed a A pre tea in the apartment of the school yesterday afternoon before the meet West Springfield Jan 27 White the fuel oil situation generally te mains critical there have been rela tively fovv complaints received at West Springfield uel Oil Board Os car Stein said today Then has been an average of less than two calls daily since the shortage started he said and those have been handled quickly The cooperation of the West Side dealers has been re narkable he said There are several who are operating on a narrow margin of supply but they have managed to keep enough oiltb to hri aiki oiiipre 'The dealers have been hard hit Mr said because they havejjeenj I forced to dole out oil in much smaller' quantities than usual Those small liveries have increased their costs ami I has put them in the position of up I erating on a close margin tempo rttrily i One town official has suggested that! public buildings should cooperate with' "the oil administration by reducing the mimlpr of hours which they aieopcn to several fraternal or vvhich have continued operations using large Arnold commander short business mect S15 at which the Legion cere will lie used for the first time induction of several now mem Guest speaker following the business mooting will bo John Bunn athletics director nt Springfield Col lege Mr Bunn is an authority on basketball and will speak on the pres ent trends in that game Committees for the evening arc: Vico Commander James A Mullane genoral ehairm i ontertiinmonr and 'Genests Vice Commander Hirrv Riley chairman assisted by Clarence White and rancis Maloney dinner Hebert Belden chairman assisted by Edward Radtsch Kenneth Decker Hayes Landon Donald Shepard Sam tiol Grat'o Homer D'Doll etor Ahlon 11 Werner Schott Philip Mahoney and red Carmody The public is in vited lo the meeting 6 Sandra Channel Batbara Malolo the liou the officers include: Viee prei i Rosemary Lnongo ecrotary tine Green: troasur Robert The next meeting of lhe group will be held Thursday night at the church lans for a skating party! in the near futuie vvill bo discussed ai the Iiurcli Mrs I' ml Hainiiiond and Mrs John irand assisted by Mrs Ward Har United Airlines Seeks Women as Stewardesses Women between of 21 and 26 years standing between 5 feet 2 inches and 5 foot 7 inches weighing 135 pounds or loss and having satis factory vision as well being satisfac half interest to property on Main St lory io the vision may apply now for' near Wilvoz St and to George and one of the 100 stewardess jobs that Bertha 1 1 Ammirato and undivided United Airlines has established one half inlet est in the same properly Other requirements are that the ap Robert and Gunhild Harkins to pbcant must be a registered nurse or Anno Bennett property on Antes on eb members erty and join the Stanley Sickle PTA will preside and the meet ing will include a variety of features I it Mrs Margaret I ant principal of Trade jjalk on the importance of selecting the right high sellout to best suit the to Peter and Cora undivided one half inlet est in ptop Ihateaugay St Chicopee and Mary to and Helen Anderson on Westwood tract West School basketball West Springfield Rec in a Valley The locals were defeated Siders several weeks ago score and lie revencr tonight start at 7 will he held in the ing Phocrviin tA 'olcnoi tes nt Dear the Welfare Board was yep Asst Cityj Solicitor Vin there bylaw revision committee has ruble work to do yet Town Counsel tank the committee said this morning Charles 1 and Anita Lukas and will ask that its report bv heard' Richard Clane" property on Call snnoinl town nieeiinp lurr in year Its expert has much work to de fore making any recom mendations and no date has been set for the special meeting West Springfield Men's Clubs of th chttrehes will for suppers have catering meals can the burden midnight (liin non lhe l' 't III llhg to hlS i out in the meeting Chmura to serve during the ensuing include jdent: rank Dyjak EAST BRIES A Valentine bridge and whist party will be sponsored by the East Spring field Group of the Liberty Methodist Church corner of Carew and Liberty Sts on eb 10 at 8 in the Community Hall This party will be open to the public and Mrs Howard Mort is chairman assisted ly members of the croup Door prizes score prizes and sp rial prizes wjll be awarded and le ft eshimn ts solved Thj regular meeting of Hie East Church Guild will be hold tonight at 3 in Guild Room Husbands and friends invited to join tn heating Rev Ralph Grandall talk on Man made follow: departmental budgets Chapter 90 Highways construction 15V miseellaneous $19 The report states that lhe to at the present As the amount is reduced the should eorres tilth Pace of i of Det5 Allen of Den of Den 3 rrot (ty 'Hd in vol'ii I f'rni a Scouts of Pack 45 held a meeting at East Chiorch last night in charge of Cubmaster Irving Damon who was assisted ly Cominitteemen Anthony have at least a year of college plus a Ave West Springfield two Mittinoague year rf business Milton Reach Jr to tomorrow night Successful aspirants will bo sent to' Richmond property on Lot ing Lane groups plan tu the stewardess training: school at Che field so that 'ennD Wvo for 2Odiv etiioven without putting petted on one of the church itself i dining 1 Shirley Pond Virtginia Smart Sonja Schmidt Dorothy Allen McClure Wil TWO CLUBS SUPPERS TOMORROW Jan The' 4 'SI 4l bin i low Mrs McPherson and Mrs Her man eidler will be in charge of food Mrs Max Ki Itz and Mrs f' Ken 1 is in charge of Mrs Edward Den 2 Mrs Stanley sitnijc Scott: Den 4 Mrs loyd Den 5 Mrs Anthony Kelley 6 Mrs Seiffert registration card was presented Icofge rechette Movies were by Pack Committeeman Ray Ludlow Jan 27 Town Clerk David Miller today issued the annual re some of appropriations for 1946 with the total amount requested to amount $70531 SS6 This is the largest amount ever requested in this town according to Miller's report and is $13413994 more than was requested for 19 17 and $16894607 more than was appropri ated for 19 17 The anioun (requested is 104 per cent of the town's valua tion The previous year it was 92 per cent It is noted that the amount for the reserve fund is not included Mr Miller in an effort to make clear the purposes for which the re quests are made classified the amounts as follows: OverexpetHled 6 0 fi 7 i $49561300 i 2140000: sewer 100 and special 83920 tai aavaailable funds i time total $46fl12x26 I of uncollected taxes I antoifnt of free cash i pondingly increase with $4105421 now placed in this category i an and 1 1 tliev weic ip po'ie was tot at the tune police said Pttrailnnn Wil liam itiny John Di trick and rancis llallo era oftivis who took the man into Custody vvf at his hunt' his The aliandntied on El Spi ingffrld Police ie wera first imtifed of the def i nit movements of hunted in in early last mg lit in a telephone ill from a Metida Sl min who told polite th veu ian ii xt iird him and had left tltcie ying that ng ii Ei: Park avnig the ri I i St hunt ha told th is tn with three fr tmt long 1 1 intmi th oat he pi ins nil atd Wen hJ I 'u holt but doe 'O 15'1: riiitiin 59 PUPILS HONORED AT CENTER DANAHY Two Agawam for in to' I that time A a member of the board ot as sessors over a long period of years Mr Raison has liecome familiar with the probit ms and requirements He TWO CANDIDATES LIST THEIR QUALIICATIONS Agawam Jan Two Republican candidates for election to oft'n in the coming Agawam town election on eb 2 today cited qualifica tions the offices song Wohler seek election year term on the Parks grounds Commission and Kellogg i a term mi School Commit tee Mr Wohler has been a resident of Azawam since 1923 and has by the Westinghouse Elect riel Co for past 24 year Hp i a past master of Mt Orthodox lodge Masons and a member of the Mit tinoagtte Congregational Church He is the father of hildron I one in the Navy tw al 1 tending Agawam schools had! considerable exoriem with activities which would qualify him highly fori the Parks board post Mt Kellogg is a native of Agawam and graduated from Agawam High School in 1929 He is the troop coinmittee Troop 85 anil of the ite Department ploy for Westinghouse Mr Kellogg ing the public The models will girls from this school wearing clothes they have made In class Third a motion picture of special to mothers of teen age girls hown picture was made Disney in cartoon form and Dawn Judith will in technicolor and has the Connaughton Reverly Ann 'dorsenient of Miss Ruth Eevans Su Janet Downhill Mart ha pervisor of Physical Education Health Linda Hocker Maryann La and Safely of the Anicrical Medical Bi tty Jane Pelky Linda Pick Association and of the Springfield "Naith Rrobinson Melaine Pa rent Teacher Council Miss Evans and Mary Ann Welch ill beptesent to answer any ques i''lantities of miis win will i ee iv ions While this Elizabeth Anderson Eileen At close of the meeting refresh for home use it takes up sh*t Barbayt Dcsnoycr Priscilla tnents will le served by Girl ountam Roberta os troop ti wnicn the van sickle 1 Edward Tokarz Edward XotirA Mi Her Jacqueline rancis Elena Heath ciatton sponsors They will be f'nnko Waiter John Marilyn King Louise Meara Marlene sisted by their loaders Mrs Ralph Wrona Walter Tyburski John Poly 1 Montest Evelyn Murdock Gloria Pal Borland Mrs Janies Nenakis and ezak Bolac Midura Cawed Galas Ru Jazzesi I Rita Rivers Maureen Scully Mbs Norma Magidson Reservations for meeting havoj en sent out Members and friends YMCA SPEAKERS WILL DEBATE CUT IN TAXES nnuid laxos Bo Rr ABKXIIMs AITOIXTEh duced?" vyi'l be the topic of a Abrahms ntaitngor to io irj by the Springfield A MCA I the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co speakers Monday eb 2 at 730 at State Si has Ive appointed at to 5 A It positive pus territorial ii presidont in Now Eng ition win be taken by Dr Boyd h( Territorial Veloiam' A nnd Miss Julia Shakour tThn judges lsc'atinn tilft Metropolitan West ival Gregory inn Massachusetts irom Worcester hree judges west and Vermont ate included in lhe district The organization em braces employ of the company of 21r more ears nf set vice Before coining here Abrahms was manager (nurses Jm hjcopee Somerville Palmer rind 14 I i ii 1 1 i I a 1 1 IlLs IMItl I NitlilUU "Illi MVUU Pf' 'king I poiitan Pittsfield tn 1921 opeity on EHen Raleigh hatrman Laughlin property at Wall AMI CIHlEClToAs Wc springfield Jan 27 Ashes' and uhbish will be collected at homes where the sidewalks have been prop ot ly shoveled out on the following streets tomorrow: teria Verdugo Taleott Churchill Harwich 8 an Horn Wilder It is im portant SupeA nti ndent red Roche i repeated toda4 that all approaches to I Homes sl'l eled out tn a width wide nottch accommodate the bar rels hjng tiW out Also hatchways 4 roawaye should cleared out so the men could work there speed ew Complaints To uel Oil Board to a three 1 and Play 1 Richard A for a (Jther ommitti es which may make i corded at the Rectstry of li ods reports at thi meeting will bo Victoria Sugruo to Katherine commit tvie appointed last year to in Daly property Thorn tow tniirtn utse studying th' has the Vtr toria committee tn the infirmary proposed Turnips! 175 25 of Girl I a re requested to send them in by Scouts assisted by the Brownies day Mrs Savage is th Brownie adr with Mrs I Cchase Mrs Downhill and Mrs Hocker as assistants mum uosiil is leaner ut in? 'jthi Scout1? Assisted bv Mrs 1 Maybury LEGION DINNER EVENT 1 oncmoadow Jan 27 A er acq ua inted dinner will be held by ert Wood Post American tomorrow night in the Com House in conjunction with its meeting dinner will at 630 and many ranking rilazzesi John and atted property on Not tingham St 11 1D 'opiiia vv mg to vnieii ami raiiei lolland (Lonn) Pastor Taylor undivided ne halt inteiest tn ex zxrx 4 4 2 Hl 1 4 4 11 1 Everett and Doris Dt ny our undi vided one half interest in the same property Region Development Corp to I Theodore and Bet t'na Smith property on Alhambra Cir Agawam Colonial Beacon Oil Co to Standaid fl no einorgeney and ihni 'f ran i nkf 1 1 1 Liz 1 i from door and two through ilio ordered Mr Doat don 1 he wen upon th shift left vacant bvLhad seized him resignation ot Clarence Stow ell a thirl class engineer at the plan until anither engineer could bo 1 mined Mr Dem don was requited to do th work of a third class engi neer for days each week An appeal to the Welfare Board I and case was taken by Mr Commissioner Hontv in 1 appeal and tilled McCiinn lle iChicoi'O latte to Charles Lukas Wilfred Blais property onCall St I Antonio Gauthier and others to Richard Claire property on Brhlse is' St Holyoke Escarokx Texas i Richaid Claite to Antonio Antonio 'la' and tank A Gauthier property! on iirpige st Holyoke 1 Gerard and Elia Lavoie to Woodmont Wis 1 on sutler Taleott Adjilphtts Provost an dfor two I'lcrks The proposed budget requested an in crease of about 15 per cent for fulltime creases The totaled per cent increase over the 19 17 figures of In addition Hie commit tee will seek to have thiee articles placed in the town warrant for appro priations totaling approximately 86000 Practically every item on the budget showed an increase over the 1947 figure The only exceptions were transportation account insurance on buildings and equipment account both of which showed decreases The text book item remated at the same figure as 1at year In most instances the increases were explained by the rising costs of ma terials and supplies This was partic ulary true in tin' case of fuel supplies Supt Stanley Wright who pre I sented the budget pointed out ci! whieft year cvst $73 quoted at $1127 this year and the in crease in coal was estimated at no than 52 a ton major increase over the budget was in the item of salaries of teachers supervisors and principals This amount was jumped from ap proximately $1 44lOO in 19 17 40 an es timated $165700 in 19 This increase of about 13'j per cent was due to the completion of the equalization salary plan begun last September and the normal increasem*nts under tenure the finance board was told The item for transportation showed a drop from $16550 in 194 to an es timated $15000 for the current year This decrease was brought about by a honor roll of the Danalty rearrangement ot the senoot ou schedule Supt Wight explained The dPCrpase of $1000 in the item of in i surance on buildings and equipment was the outcome of stabilization of the account following a change tn insur policy last year The school committee contemplate the addition of a grade teacher at the Center School and at the eeding Hills School At lhe Center School there will have to be a third 1 added due to the heavy enrolment starling (((15 REELECTEU next fall The addition at eeding Agawam Jan 27 Charles Gonet Hills ill be due to the establishment was rpneCted president ot the Junicr of a separate Grade 2 in place of aifYO of the Stored Heart Church of combined Grade 2 and 3 eeding Hills at a recent meeting The three articles tn warrant other will call respectively for appropria dnt tions of $684 $2500 and 5000 first will be to reimburse the school ay department for tn repairing fire damage at the Danahy School at North Azawam The Insurance pay was made direct to town treasurer and the school department seeks to recover its expenditure The second for $2500 is to remedy! an unhealthy condition in girls" locker room in the high school The I $3000 is sought to provide additional bleachers at Memorial ield at I Agawam Center During the discussion of the asses budget it was brought out that the department would soon have to! request appropriations to permit re placement of town maps which were becoming too dilapidated to be longer Questioned by the chairman of the finance tjoaru iosepa i hon Jr the assessors estimated Increased valuation in town year would total at a half lion dollars Ml I IE It LUDLOW BRIES The WSCS of St Raul's Methodist Church will meet Wednesday night at 745 in the home of Mrs rank ior manti of Canterbury St Mrs 1'Ilyses Marlowe and Mrs Raymond Warren vvill be hostesses The Ludlow I zh combine will meet tonight at 8 in the Wheel tilt by the West by a close clan Is after liminary will A public hearing selectmen's office on Chestnut St to 1 Refreshments were served by girls nizht at 815 to amend part five of in the cooking class under the direc the "Building By law of the Town of tion of Miss Norma Magidson Mrs Wesley Jerome poured were discussed for the annual afternoon meeting of the association 3 at 2 pm at which from Armory School Samuel Bowles Schools Van Sickle group Nye president of INAL REGISTRATION OR VOTERS TONIGHT West Spring field Jan 27 Regis tration last night of new voters sot record for enrollments on the night before the last chance except for the year of last presidential election The office of the town clerk reported a few lllll'llll front St etoran was bl home our niur a i me jt BROWNIES GIRL SCOUTS Will MOI niNVQTITIIR 'abilities'' of your child illULiiiVLV nt uu 1 1 1 unu Second a fashion show will pro East Springfield Jan 27 The sented by Miss Edythe Strumpfler a Brownies of Troop 171 and the Ggirl member of the faculty at Van Sickle Scouts of Troop 35 will hold an in Indian Orchard Jan 27 The Kos vesttt tire ceremony at Liberty School ciuszko Social and Athletic Union on Wednesday at 330 Mothers its meeting Sun lav elected Mitchell friends and teachers are invited The Brow nies ho are to receive interest Olter officets chosen pins Catherine Andrewes Di will lies Vincent ilipiak pres ianne Askins Carol Balsom Catherine by Walt reasui or: Adam Bowen i Wyzik recording secietary: i Dolores Chmura financial sti retary The Couture uiinger men in the Union took overt ord I at this meeting with contests for all 'mere offices ind Gawel Galas ho ha en ard yiving recording sect eta ry since Savaz the union as instituted 28 ytars azo The wa defeated for tion by Wyzik pin directors include the five olec officers Walter Nowak Erat Clair the VOX POP Herbert Kretscliiiinr will conduit tlo biisiness for lhe meeting Mrs Dean Malsbary of Elizabeth St was a member of I lo program committee for this month's meeting of Hie Pioneer Valley ederation of Music Clubs which was held last night in the Hotel Highland Arthur lagler ultz niuxic educator and psychologist presented an illus trated demonstration "The Healing Role of Music: A New Science" Prophet of Mr and Mrs Albert Prophet of Ro i recuperating at her home tonsilectomy Men's Club of St Church will meet tomorrow "The ine Point Phollies" Police oil Escaped Plan To Wipe Out East Springfield amily An rscapd MUian lp' us about mid liahi in a I hnino in Spring! mid lor S'Vua: t'' so ox ao i e' 'Jkr x'CWxwjooxxxv ex'xx ov 1 KEPEKICK RU0 A ga wa in Jan 27 Wedorick Kaisoi of Southwick St a member of th Board of for 12 years A l3W 1 3rd nun 2' I 9 1 I I.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.