{5 Minute} Homemade Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2024)

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Published: April 26, 2020Updated: September 27, 2020Author: Amy

Homemade Chocolate Sauce is incredibly easy to make and rivals anything you’ll buy at the store. Whip up a batch in only 5 minutes and then drizzle it on all your favorite desserts!

{5 Minute} Homemade Chocolate Sauce Recipe (1)

In the time it takes to go to the store and buy some chocolate syrup, you could have already made some and be enjoying it. That’s how quick and easy this Homemade Chocolate Sauce recipe is.

What Ingredients do I need for this Homemade Chocolate Sauce recipe?

You only need 4 ingredients (plus water) – no corn syrup or dairy – just cocoa powder, sugar, salt, and vanilla. You end up with smooth, sweet, chocolate lava!

{5 Minute} Homemade Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2)

Is this Chocolate Sauce or Hot Fudge Sauce?

The difference between chocolate sauce and hot fudge sauce is that hot fudge usually uses cream and butter, making it thicker than chocolate sauce, which uses sugar and water. So, technically this is chocolate sauce, but it definitely thickens up as it cools, so it’s like in-between. Basically, perfect. It tastes even better than Hershey’s syrup!

Recipe Variations for Chocolate Sauce

  • Use milk instead of water for a creamier texture.
  • Stir in a tablespoon of butter at the end for an extra touch of richness.
  • Turn it into mocha chocolate sauce by including a teaspoon of espresso powder.
  • Give it a spicy Mexican flair by adding a dash of cayenne pepper or chili powder.
  • A touch of peppermint extract would make it great for Christmas.

{5 Minute} Homemade Chocolate Sauce Recipe (3)

What to use chocolate sauce for?

What not to use it on is a better question!

  • Pour it over ice cream.
  • Stir it into milk.
  • Drizzle it over brownies or angel food cake.
  • Layered it in a chocolate trifle.
  • Use it as a dip for fruit.
  • Give it as a gift! Make a trio of sauces – one regular, one spicy, and one minty!

How to Store Leftovers

This recipe makes 1 3/4 cups with one serving being about 2 tablespoons, which gives you a little drizzle over a scoop of ice cream or slice of cake. But you can certainly use more if you want! I mean, who can resist it?

Any leftovers should be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Simply reheat in the microwave for a few seconds before serving.

If you use chocolate sauce a lot, this recipe can easily be doubled.

{5 Minute} Homemade Chocolate Sauce Recipe (4)

Satisfy your chocolate craving with this chocolate syrup – it’s guaranteed happiness!

Other fantastic Chocolate Recipes To Try!

  • Easy Chocolate Pie
  • Chocolate Swiss Roll Cake
  • Texas Sheet Cake
  • Easy Chocolate Mousse

I hope you love this quick and simple recipe – be sure to give it a review below! Also don’t forget to follow Belly Full onFacebook,Instagram,Pinterest, andYouTube!

{5 Minute} Homemade Chocolate Sauce Recipe (5)

Homemade Chocolate Sauce

Homemade Chocolate Sauce is incredibly easy to make and rivals anything you'll buy at the store. Whip up a batch in only 5 minutes and then drizzle it on all your favorite desserts!

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Prep Time 5 minutes minutes

Total Time 5 minutes minutes

Servings: 14 (2 tablespoons per serving, 1 3/4 cups total)


  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup cold water
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla


  • In a cold saucepan, whisk together the cocoa and the sugar until all lumps are removed. Add the salt and the water and bring to a boil over medium-medium high heat.

  • Reduce to a gentle simmer; stirring constantly. Simmer for about 30 seconds and then remove from heat. Let cool and then add in the vanilla.

  • Pour into a glass jar and allow to cool. {The chocolate sauce will be very thin when it finishes boiling, but it will thicken quite a bit as it cools.}

  • Refrigerate until needed.


  • Any leftovers should be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Simply reheat in the microwave for a few seconds before serving.
  • If you use chocolate sauce a lot, this recipe can easily be doubled.


Calories: 64kcal | Carbohydrates: 16g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 22mg | Potassium: 47mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 14g | Calcium: 4mg | Iron: 1mg

Nutritional information given is an automatic calculation and can vary based on the exact products you use and any changes you make to the recipe. If these numbers are very important to you, I would recommend calculating them yourself.

Other Notes

Course: Condiment

Cuisine: American

Keyword: Chocolate Sauce Recipe, Homemade chocolate sauce

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{5 Minute} Homemade Chocolate Sauce Recipe (6)

{5 Minute} Homemade Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2024)


How to make chocolate Sause? ›

Place chocolate300g good-quality dark chocolate, chopped in a bowl. Place cream in a pan over medium heat and bring to just below boiling point. Pour over chocolate, then stir until smooth. Serve warm.

What's the difference between chocolate sauce and chocolate syrup? ›

Chocolate Syrup: made with just water – no additional fat like cream or butter. It's thinner in consistency than sauces and easily mixes into drinks. Chocolate Sauce: usually made with the addition of milk, cream, or butter. It's thicker in consistency.

What's the difference between hot fudge and chocolate syrup? ›

Ingredients: Hot fudge sauce is typically made with chocolate, sugar, butter, and cream or milk, while chocolate syrup is made with cocoa powder, sugar, and water or milk. Consistency: Hot fudge sauce has a thicker and creamier consistency than chocolate syrup, which tends to be thinner and more liquidy.

How to keep chocolate sauce from hardening? ›

Add Alcohol. Liquors like rum, brandy, or liqueurs can prevent chocolate from hardening too fast, ideal for dessert sauces. By incorporating these simple strategies into your chocolate adventures, you can maintain that glossy, luxurious texture even as your chocolate masterpiece cools down.

How to make chocolate step by step? ›

The Chocolate Making Process
  1. Step 1: Cleaning. ...
  2. Step 2: Roasting. ...
  3. Step 3: Shell Removal. ...
  4. Step 4: Nibs are ground. ...
  5. Step 5: Cocoa is separated from Cocoa Butter. ...
  6. Step 6: Other ingredients are added to the Chocolate Liquor. ...
  7. Step 7: Conching machines knead the Chocolate Paste.

What does chocolate sauce contain? ›

To whip up a batch of chocolate syrup, you'll need to mix mixing sugar, cocoa powder and a pinch of salt together in a saucepan. Next, add water and boil it until the sugar dissolves and you are left with a thick syrup. This recipe from Kitchen Treaty adds vanilla for an extra hint of subtle sweetness.

What is a fancy name for chocolate sauce? ›

synonyms: chocolate syrup. types: fudge sauce, hot-fudge sauce.

Is melted chocolate the same as chocolate syrup? ›

Do not substitute chocolate syrup for melted chocolate in any recipe. (Plus, let's be honest, the flavor of some of these ice cream toppings—especially those made mostly with high fructose corn syrup or corn syrup—isn't as rich.) The consistency is different and the results will be less than optimal.

Is Mocha Sauce the same as chocolate sauce? ›

What is mocha sauce? Mocha Sauce is like chocolate syrup/sauce except it's made with strong brewed coffee (double brewed coffee or espresso) in place of water. This gives it a rich chocolaty flavor with a hint of coffee.

What is ganache vs fudge? ›

Although the two are made from similar ingredients, they'll wind up with different consistencies. Ganache might solidify slightly but will remain smooth as a filling or icing. Fudge, meanwhile, will be soft enough to easily bite into while being solid enough to hold its shape after it has time to set up.

Is milk chocolate or semi sweet chocolate better for fudge? ›

Chocolate: you may use semi-sweet chocolate or dark chocolate. If you want milk chocolate fudge, I suggest using a combination of milk and semi-sweet, so that it's not overly sweet. But this is up to you! You could also use semi-sweet chocolate chips, but I suggest sticking to high-quality chocolate if possible.

Is fudge just chocolate? ›

Although fudge often contains chocolate, fudge is not the same as chocolate. Chocolate is a mix of cocoa solids, cocoa butter and sometimes sugar and other flavorings and is hard and brittle. Fudge is a mixture of sugar, dairy and flavorings that is cooked and cooled to form a smooth, semi-soft confection.

Why add oil to melted chocolate? ›

Adding a tablespoon of coconut oil or vegetable oil while microwaving helps the chocolate melt more smoothly and makes it the perfect consistency for dipping! The caveat here is that once cool, the chocolate won't set up quite as hard as it did to begin with due to the added fat content.

What can I add to chocolate to make it harden? ›

Coconut oil is the secret to achieving a super-shiny chocolate coating. It brings a little extra luster to melted chocolate, which, on its own, can become matte when dry. Not only does coconut oil make your chocolate coating shine, but it also helps the chocolate harden.

Why does chocolate sauce get grainy? ›

When chocolate is melted, it creates a smooth, buttery consistency. However, when melted chocolate comes into contact with water, it instantaneously seizes up, becoming gritty and grainy.

What is chocolate glaze made of? ›

A classic Chocolate Mirror Glaze is made of gelatine, water, cream, sugar and cocoa powder. Some recipes use melted chocolate and condensed milk, but they aren't as nice to eat. They make a yield a thicker, less elegant Mirror Glaze that's also overly sweet.

How to make chocolate you can drizzle? ›

Place the chocolate in a bowl set over a pot with a bit of water which is lightly simmering. Stir occasionally until the chocolate is all melted. To get very even and precise chocolate, pour the melted chocolate into a Ziploc bag and cut off a bit of the corner, then drizzle with a zig-zag motion.

How do you make melted chocolate liquid? ›

To thin melted chocolate, add a small amount of neutral oil, like vegetable oil or cocoa butter, stirring gently until it reaches the desired consistency. Melt slowly to avoid overheating, and keep water out to prevent the chocolate from seizing.

How do they make chocolate milk? ›

Cocoa or chocolate milk drinks are dairy-based products, which are manufactured from heat-treated milk with the addition of cocoa powder and sugar and eventually stabilizers. After adding the powders, the product is heat treated with an accepted process, cooled, and filled.


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